Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Slice of Life Day 5- Reevaluation

Today marks the beginning of Lent. Today is a time for me to reevaluate some things in my life. Are there some things  in my life I can do without or maybe some gaps I need to fill?

One thing I am giving up are those stupid games on my iPad that I sometimes can't seem to pull myself away from. They don't do anything other than take me away from more productive things I could be doing. I am going to fill that time instead with reading professional books and literature. My TBR professional reads pile keeps getting taller and I need a plan of attack.  This will be my first step in that plan.

I am also looking at my health today. Are there some things I'm consuming that I don't need?  Sometimes, after a hard day, I like to unwind with a glass of wine. I don't think I really need it. They are just empty calories and I can do something else to unwind. Maybe I could go for a quick walk if the weather is nice. Or maybe I could find a 15 minute workout to complete.

I don't like to change a lot for Lent. I want it to be manageable so I feel as if I can be successful.

If you celebrate Lent, what are you changing?

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